Allison This is Vickie typing to you. (From your Connemara fan club) Scott and I both want to euacnroge you. Thanks for your wonderful writeup about your experience at Rolex. It is helpful to hear first-hand about the many facets that go into your decisions for your rides, Arthur's welfare, and all that is involved. We thought you two were just amazing throughout the whole event. Your constant quest to completely understand the needs of your horses, and your eloquent way of writing about it so others can be learning at the same time you are learning is so valuable. May God bless you and keep you as well as honor your hard work with your horses. Vickie Maris and Scott Greeson
Reactie plaatsen
Allison This is Vickie typing to you. (From your Connemara fan club) Scott and I both want to euacnroge you. Thanks for your wonderful writeup about your experience at Rolex. It is helpful to hear first-hand about the many facets that go into your decisions for your rides, Arthur's welfare, and all that is involved. We thought you two were just amazing throughout the whole event. Your constant quest to completely understand the needs of your horses, and your eloquent way of writing about it so others can be learning at the same time you are learning is so valuable. May God bless you and keep you as well as honor your hard work with your horses. Vickie Maris and Scott Greeson